libsqsh v1.5.2
CSqshArchive | |
CSqshCompressionOptions | The compression options context is used to store the compression options for a specific compression algorithm |
CSqshConfig | The SqshConfig struct contains all the configuration options for a sqsh session |
CSqshDirectoryIndexIterator | Iterator for directory indexes |
CSqshDirectoryIterator | A directory iterator |
CSqshExportTable | The export table |
CSqshExtractManager | Manages chunks of compressed areas from an archive |
CSqshExtractor | The SqshExtractor struct is used to decompress data |
CSqshExtractorImpl | |
CSqshExtractView | A fiew into compressed memory managed by a SqshExtractManager |
CSqshFile | The Inode context |
CSqshFileIterator | An iterator over the contents of a file |
CSqshFileReader | A reader over the contents of a file |
CSqshFragmentTable | The fragment table of an archive |
CSqshFragmentView | A view over the contents of a fragment |
CSqshIdTable | The id table of an archive |
CSqshInodeImpl | The file type implementation |
CSqshInodeMap | The inode map context is used to cache inodes numbers and their corresponding inode references |
CSqshInodeMapImpl | |
CSqshMapIterator | |
CSqshMapManager | The map manager |
CSqshMapper | The mapper that is used to map chunks of the archive into memory |
CSqshMapReader | A reader over a mapping of data |
CSqshMapSlice | Represents a view into the data of an archive |
CSqshMemoryMapperImpl | The implementation of a memory mapper |
CSqshMetablockIterator | Iterator over metablocks |
CSqshMetablockReader | Reader over metablocks |
CSqshPathResolver | Resolves paths |
CSqshSuperblock | The superblock context is used to access the superblock of the archive |
CSqshTable | A generic table as used in an archive |
CSqshThreadpool | |
CSqshTrailingContext | The trailing context is used to access the trailing data of the archive |
CSqshTreeTraversal | A walker over the contents of a file |
CSqshTreeTraversalStackElement | A walker over the contents of a file |
CSqshTreeWalker | A walker over the contents of a file |
CSqshXattrIterator | An iterator over extended attributes |
CSqshXattrTable | The extended attribute lookup table |