libsqsh v1.5.2
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Data Structures
Here are the data structures with brief descriptions:
 CSqshCompressionOptionsThe compression options context is used to store the compression options for a specific compression algorithm
 CSqshConfigThe SqshConfig struct contains all the configuration options for a sqsh session
 CSqshDirectoryIndexIteratorIterator for directory indexes
 CSqshDirectoryIteratorA directory iterator
 CSqshExportTableThe export table
 CSqshExtractManagerManages chunks of compressed areas from an archive
 CSqshExtractorThe SqshExtractor struct is used to decompress data
 CSqshExtractViewA fiew into compressed memory managed by a SqshExtractManager
 CSqshFileThe Inode context
 CSqshFileIteratorAn iterator over the contents of a file
 CSqshFileReaderA reader over the contents of a file
 CSqshFragmentTableThe fragment table of an archive
 CSqshFragmentViewA view over the contents of a fragment
 CSqshIdTableThe id table of an archive
 CSqshInodeImplThe file type implementation
 CSqshInodeMapThe inode map context is used to cache inodes numbers and their corresponding inode references
 CSqshMapManagerThe map manager
 CSqshMapperThe mapper that is used to map chunks of the archive into memory
 CSqshMapReaderA reader over a mapping of data
 CSqshMapSliceRepresents a view into the data of an archive
 CSqshMemoryMapperImplThe implementation of a memory mapper
 CSqshMetablockIteratorIterator over metablocks
 CSqshMetablockReaderReader over metablocks
 CSqshPathResolverResolves paths
 CSqshSuperblockThe superblock context is used to access the superblock of the archive
 CSqshTableA generic table as used in an archive
 CSqshTrailingContextThe trailing context is used to access the trailing data of the archive
 CSqshTreeTraversalA walker over the contents of a file
 CSqshTreeTraversalStackElementA walker over the contents of a file
 CSqshTreeWalkerA walker over the contents of a file
 CSqshXattrIteratorAn iterator over extended attributes
 CSqshXattrTableThe extended attribute lookup table